Better Homes Real Estate

152 South StreetBridgewater, MA 02324Sale Price: $710,000

  • Sale Price: $710,000
  • 146 Days Since Sale
$/month over payments
Federal 30-year interest rate: 6.89% last updated on Feb 6, 2025
* All Figures are estimates. Check with your bank or proposed mortgage company for actual interest rates.
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  • $724,900List Price
  • $710,000Sale Price
  • 3,000Square Feet

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Spotless as a Dentist Office - that's because there is a Dentist Office (soon to be vacated if not sold to a dentist) on the first floor (and apartment above). In addition to the use as a Dentist Office this appealing property, with ample parking, offers many other potential uses (some of which may require Town Board. approval - please do your own due diligence). Other potential uses include: A Two-Family Residence (Currently has a renovated 3 Bedroom, 2 bath Apartment on second floor which is leased); A Childcare Center; An Adult Social Daycare Home; A Family Day Care Home; A Licensed Bed and Breakfast; A Home Occupation (Attorney, Insurance, Real Estate, et al); An In-law living area and more. This charming property is in a desirable location next to Williams Intermediate School, Downtown Conveniences, the "T" and Bridgewater State University. This 15 Room Mini-Mansion is a rare find.

Property Details of 152 South Street

Property Details

Interior Features

Exterior Features

Listed by Walter Parshley of The Parshley Team - Real Estate

Listing Sold by Tom Rudolph Real Estate

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